3 tips that will improve your Landing Pages


Every person who tried to create sell on the internet tried to optimize his Landing Page. Today, I would love to discuss, what can you specifically do to create additional traffic to your relevant landing pages. How to optimize those, and increase your CTR and conversion and decrease your bounce rate.

First of, why even bother with Landing Pages? The answer is simple – to generate more revenue. It is not a secret that the more time you spend on them, the more revenue you generate. If you don’t believe me, read more in Social Media Examiner.

What can you do to improve your Landing Page:

1. Be consistent.

When you create your AdWords ads, or social media campaigns, make sure that they look similar to your site. Make sure that the color of your ads, logos, value propositions, and the main message is consistent with the landing page.   There’s nothing wrong with creating exciting ads, but if they look nothing like the page, it might scare off your potential clients.

2. Be clear.

Please, remove everything that is not leading to the main action on the page. Whether it is a sale, a download, a registration, make sure that you’ll remove all the clutter that leads them somewhere else. You’re not building a Wikipedia page. You’re building a site with a purpose. Get rid of everything that doesn’t have any meaning. Avoid adding additional redundant information, images, videos, graphic, quotes, or anything that doesn’t lead to your ultimate goal in your Landing Page. A famous Digital Guru from Moz, Rand Fishkin made a really compelling video on why it is vital for your site.

3. Use A/B testing.

There’s hardly any rules in Digital Marketing that works everywhere. A/B Test is actually a really good way to test how to remove clutter from your Landing Pages and stay consistent. It is also the best tool that can allow you to check how to be more efficient and sell more. It is the tool to increase conversion and decrease your bounce rate. Here’s a great tutorial on how to perform A/B test.

Below, is a great infographic that I love:


Source: http://www.marketing-mojo.com/infographic/landing-page-optimization-infographic/


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